All of us have some favourite spots for spending summers and holidays. Quite often, we go to the same hostel, lake or even the city for many years in a row. Certainly, it may be a good experience, as this is part of human nature that people prefer to come back to spots we are familiar with and where we feel good. Many of people, even when finally decide to go for something new, would choose city or country, that is pretty similar to this one, where he / she was spending holidays earlier.
For example, he / she would go to another city, but still next to the Polish sea. In such situation, there is a different hotel, different restaurants, and even a little bit different views and attractions, but still – the cuisine is the same, the language is the same, and whole experience will be quite similar. Nonetheless, I do not want to criticize such solution. The aim of this short article is quite different. Main aim is to make you wondering how it would be, if you would in the end go to absolutely different place. Place, you even didn’t think earlier as a holiday destination for you. Let’s discuss this scenario for a moment. This is only a hypothetical thing, but hopefully would be able to convince you to try something new?
So you already made a decision that you wanna go to a new place. Later on, after spending years of your summer in the same hotel next to the same lake, you want to experience something new. As you are not sure which place to choose, you make a decision to leave this to fate. You go to the website with flight searcher and search for promotions ( about). You made a promise to yourself that you would go to the place where is the largest reduction in plane ticket prices. You see that today there is a extremely good price reduction for flights to japan. You never even considered this country, but as you already promised yourself, you check flights from warsaw to tokyo. And you buy your flight tickets.
Autor: Luc Legay
In a few months, you are already on a plane. For next three weeks, you discover entirely new word. You eventually have an occasion to discover new food, meet new individuals, experience new culture, experience completely new customs and even art. At the beginning it is difficult. You don’t feel so comfortable and sometimes you even regret this decision (go to page). But when the days go by, you discover that you without a doubt enjoy this completely new experience. You also agree, that you have never learnt so much in such a short period of time. You see that you are becoming more open for new concepts and other live styles.
And thereafter,after returning from your holiday, you finally have a feeling, that you experienced many new things, and what is even more relevant – that it was worth to leave your comfort zone and experience something new! And now, I want you to seriously think about this idea. Doesn’t it sound tempting?