No matter if you will design your spaces on your own or if someone will do it for you, you ought to keep in mind that a modern interior must meet some obligations. They are:
1) Functionality – flat and spaces are places to live. Flat is not a museum. Nevertheless, it is clear that it has to be kept in dirt free, but each room have to be convenient. It is worth to use plenty drawers which lets you to find little things fast. If you area is small it is essential to think about multifunctional fittings which will be convenient and keep a lot of items.
2) Attractiveness – every area has a attractiveness factor which will make the room lovely and comfortable. From time to time it is sufficient to add 1 item which will make the room beautiful and enjoyable place to stay longer. It is also powerful to keep the space in cleanliness, sometimes even clean room, make the space cozy.
3) Comfort – all rooms in your home must be comfy for you, your relatives and your friends. The house is a area where you can rest after an exhausted week in workplace or at school. Be sure, that you purchase comfortable couch for your sitting room.
4) Open – all spaces must be spacious. There should not be too plenty things in room. If you are owner of plenty items, buy a large wardrobe or open chest of drawers. The less things in the spaces the better mood.
All rooms of your home ought to meet those expectations. Only those four will make your living cozy and pleasant.